Spokane county assessor phone number
Spokane county assessor phone number

spokane county assessor phone number

Check with the Assessors Office for exact, up to date information.

spokane county assessor phone number

Please understand that there is a delay in some of the information as it is being developed by the Assessors Office and processed through Lincoln.

  • Prepare annual tax roll for the County Treasurer.
  • Prepare abstract of value and certification of taxes levied for State Property Tax Administrator.
  • Maintain cadastral records (i.e., parcel maps) on all property in the county.
  • Review all applications for Homestead Exemptions.
  • Review all applications for religious, charitable and educational tax exemptions.
  • Attend all meetings of the County Board of Equalization.
  • Establish and maintain fair and equitable value on all real and personal property within the county.
  • Administer the assessment statutes of Nebraska law.
  • The following is a partial list of those duties: The duties are prescribed by Nebraska Statutes, Rules and Regulations (Chapter 77), which have the effect of law. See the recorded documents for more detailed legal information.The County Assessor is an elected official who has general supervision over and the direction of the assessment of all property in his or her county.

    spokane county assessor phone number

    The Assessor parcel maps are compiled from official records, including surveys and deeds, but only contain the information required for assessment. The Assessor parcel maps are for assessment use only and do NOT represent a survey. The assessed values are subject to change before being finalized for ad valorem tax purposes. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data herein, its use, or its interpretation. The Lyon County Assessor's Office makes every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible. The Lyon County Assessor’s Office is primarily responsible for maintaining property tax assessment records for approximately 33,417 parcels (as of 5 /21) within one of the fastest growing jurisdictions in the United States.

    Spokane county assessor phone number