Poesia i rima 50 anni
Poesia i rima 50 anni

Each author speaks of the differences between the Venetian cortigiana onesta and the lower class cortigiana di lume, which designated those courtesans who lived in inns, most often in the region near the Rialto bridge called the Castelletto. 9– 12 Google Scholar, 152 Larivaille, Paul, La vie quotidienne des courtisanes en Italie au temps de la Renaissance ( Paris, 1975), pp. 120 Google Scholar Masson, Georgina, Courtesans of the Italian Renaissance ( London, 1975), pp. 318-19 Musatti, Eugenio, La donna in Venezia ( Padua, 1892), p. 19– 43 Google Scholar Croce, Benedetto, Poetiescrittoridel pieno e tardo rinascimento ( Bari, 1970) Google Scholar, pp.

poesia i rima 50 anni

1 For a discussion of this paradoxical term, see di Villaviera, Rita Casagrande, Le cortigiane veneziane del Cinquecento ( Milan, 1968), pp.

Poesia i rima 50 anni